About Me

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I love sleeping. When my mind is set to want something, I go and get it. I'm a bubbly person, love to listen to peoples interests. I try to do the right things all the time...i'm a deep thinker and ask alot of questions so at times i can be very talkative lol.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Today's contemplation...

While listening to my lecturer, i realised i really can't just sit and listen to anything of the same tone and voice for more than an hour. That's why i can to listen to music all day everyday, but put me in a room of boring people/lecturers etc and i would fall asleep unconsciously. I want to listen, i do want to understand what is been said to me, and i do want to do well at uni- but i can't just bloody sit and listen for a long freakin period of time. Please feel free to provide some tips for me to stay awake, i will listen if it sounds reasonable lol. And no mother and red bull does not really work, just wants me to go to the toilet in the middle of the lecture haha.

Last weekend was fun! Mystique is always so packed, how can you expect to dance without smashing someone over?!?! Walking through the crowd to get to the toilet urgently is a total mission, and trying to do it drunk, god help ya.

Just imagine Klub Kandy, that's another example of total crowd chaos. Everytime i go to the hip hop level, it's so packed, that every body's sweat is evaporated and combine to make this thick asian water cloud above everyone. You go in there and you are practically already drenched in sweat and what, it'll take like only 10 secs for that to happened ahaha unbelievable- so funny tho.

I need to die down going out and really get my head into study mode, or i'll think i will be forever unfocused whenever i do attempt studying. I hate studying so much coz it makes my head hurt- ha ha i don't know how, but concentrating for like 10-20 minutes and then i have to have a break. If i don't end up feeling so dizzy i become unfocused again and my eyes and mind just automatically wanders around.

I'm going to really try though to do my very best to practice my focusness ha ha.

-Amelia ^_^

1 comment:

  1. "every body's sweat is evaporated and combine to make this thick asian water cloud above everyone" i laughed my head off reading this comment!!
    i know what you mean when you have to listen to a boring lecture about god knows what.
    the technique i used today is
    " i wanna know, i gotta know"
    whenever you drift off just bring yourself back into conciousness...remind yourself..."i fucking have to know this shit, or i don't know nothing!!!"

