About Me

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I love sleeping. When my mind is set to want something, I go and get it. I'm a bubbly person, love to listen to peoples interests. I try to do the right things all the time...i'm a deep thinker and ask alot of questions so at times i can be very talkative lol.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Strategic management lec today!

I was thinking why strategic management is so important for business managers to have.
And i was thinking that, of course! It is needed to organise yourself and become ahead of the business game. It is a way of aligning resources and what needs to be done in order to reach goals.

I would think that it's pretty straight forward, but no it isn't. There is so many theory and tools to consider before actually making your own efficient strategy.
Argh, so much to think about. I wonder how any one can obtain so much information in such a short amount of time! Absolutely maddness i say!!!!

Tell me you guys agree with me. This year is really different to the rest of my uni years because i finally just managed to focus myself and get my silly head more motivated than usual. I told myself that i don't want to be studying by the age 25. I want to be by then working and earning great money!!!!!

I want to buy myself alot of things, but being quite poor right now has taught how to manage my money and to buy only what i truely need too. It's such a challenge because i really want to buy myself beautiful shoes and fancy clothes and other things just like any girls, but no, i have to be very patient at this time.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Managing myself for a better purpose...

Today i've been thinking alot about business concepts. Still not successful in thinking of one.

It becomes a bit of a habit of mine to think about original thoughts stimulated from the ideas coming from magazines, people's conversations, reading textbooks... it never cease to amaze me how the human mind is always changing, how i have changed so much in that matter of fact!

I want to imagine how we would be thinking in 50 yrs time, it's scary to think that we won't be thinking at the same level as today and so it seems to me we would be at a significantly higher level. It seems inevitable that the world would force us to think that way.

I was also thinking about robots. Wouldn't it be bad if we had robots to take over our world? Because isn't it defeating the purpose of our existence? If they existed, we wouldn't have jobsto earn money, therefore wouldn't be able to buy things. If we can't buy things, what is the purpose for businesses expanding in robots? Where would they get their profit from to continue making business? We are constantly making challenging problems for ourselves aren't we...will it ever end?!?!?!?! I'm sorry, it won't end. This is reality people! I think the solution to all the problem is peace with every one and working together to make our lives better! Yes, I do promote PEACE with all my heart ^_^ anywho...

Its funny that our purpose may be to solve the problems that we make. How ironic. We shouldn't exist, unless we don't exist anymore expect alot of chaos, everything is so hard because we all want to live and survive, but not everybody can survive. Haard truth. Only the strongest can survive, which means those you can think big having endurance to work your butt off.

On a lighter note, I haven't been with anyone for a while now, so single life seems the norm for me now. It was weird for me for a while because i starting going out when i was sixteen and haven't been single until now. I do feel like I want someone, but i've strongly decided to wait for someone i actually plan to stay with for a long time. I get sick of guys that are not worth spending time with coz they don't flow with me.